
FAQ Articles 6

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

PBC (Personal Backup Client) 1

Information for users with our PBC software

SBC (Server Backup Client) 5

Information for users with our SBC software


 Are my files secure on the backup server?

Both Colosseum Online Personal and Server programs back up all data using some of the strongest...

 Can I backup open files with the online backup software?

In the case of many backup software programs, files and databases that are in use during the...

 Can I recover or change my encrypting key?

The encrypting key cannot be changed once you setup your Backup Set. This is necessary for the...

 Does it make sense to use Online Backup if you have a slow Internet connection?

Our seed load feature allows backing up of a large volume data to a local storage device during...

 How can I reduce the amount of storage used by my retention area?

Setting the retention policy in your backup set to a lower number of days will cause files to be...

 How does Volume Shadow Copy work?

Volume Shadow Copy technology is built into the Windows XP and Windows 2003 operating systems....

 How long does Colosseum Online keep my files on the backup server?

Your files are retained for as long as you keep your Colosseum Online Backup account. Deleted...

 I have mirrored /RAID hard drives. Won't that protect me from viruses or data loss?

No. Mirrored hardware only protects you from a hardware failure. Since 90% of data loss is due...

 Is there a User Guide?

Yes, you can download the Users Guide from here (Note you must be logged into your Colosseum...

 Is there an F.A.Q. Document?

Yes, you can download it here (Note you must be logged into your Colosseum Online Account to...

 Should I be using PBC (Personal Backup Client) or SBC (Server Backup Client)?

PBC is a light version client-side backup application with clean and easy-to-use interface...

 Should you also have a local backup in addition to online backup?

It's up to you. We encourage people to do both local and remote backup for absolute protection....

 What files should you select?

Since your entire hard drive is likely to be much larger than the amount of storage you have...

 What is In-File Delta technology?

In-file delta technology is an advanced data block matching algorithm which has the intelligence...

 What is an Online Backup Service?

An Online Backup Service is an Internet-based service that allows computer users to routinely...

 What is data retention?

The retention area is space used to store older versions of files and files that you have deleted...

 Where do I download the SBC/PBC Software?

You can download the software for your system from our website installation wizard...